Love Basketball But Need Tips To Play Better? Check Out These Ideas!


He shoots, he scores! Few things are more exciting than a fast-paced game of basketball. You can enjoy playing no matter your age or your skill. All you need is a ball and a hoop. To get the most out of your next game of basketball, make use of these tips.

When playing basketball, remember that you are playing on a team. Don’t be a “ball hog.” A team is like a support system and your teammates are there to help you and you should be there to help them. The objective of the game is to work together to beat the opponent.

Improve your offensive game by mastering the shot fake. With this move, players think you are going to shoot the ball, so they will jump up. Don’t really shoot the ball yet; instead, use this opportunity to maneuver around them and take your shot. They will be caught off guard and won’t have a chance to defend you.

Don’t play when you are injured! The sport of basketball is very physical, which makes one susceptible to injury. If you try to keep playing, you can hurt yourself worse. If an injury is serious, go to see a physician.

To play your best game of basketball, it is important to keep focused. Even when the action is not near your position, remain aware of the action and be ready to move fast. A positive attitude combined with being fully focused on what you are doing can give you the competitive advantage.

Take your ball with you wherever you go and dribble as often as possible. This allows you to practice handling the ball on all sorts of surfaces. For example, it will react differently on grass than it will on a wooden court. If you can master moving the ball on any surface, you will become a better ball handler.

A player’s free-throw percentage is generally much higher than their field goal percentage. While part of this has to do with being in action with defenders right on you when shooting field goals, the other part is the dedicated form and practice put into this “free” shot. Be sure you spend some time practicing your free throws during each practice.

To develop an accurate shooting stroke, put your dominant hand under the ball and use your other hand on the side of the ball, as a guide. If you develop this consistency, you will be able to follow through with your shooting hand and get a high, looping arc that is more likely to go through the hoop.

Set up an obstacle course with chairs or pylons and then dribble around them. This will help you learn how to get around opponents while keeping control of the ball. As you get better, make sure your back is to the obstacle as you go by to protect the ball from it.

Develop and use a consistent routine for shooting free throws. If you aren’t consistent, you will find that your shooting is off. The easiest way to make sure you’re doing great at free throws is to do repetitions of the same routines time and again. If you have a glitch in the routine, you are likely to miss your shot.

If you wish to succeed in a defensive role, you must be able to break your opponents’ concentration. Make them feel uncomfortable and to where they’re second guessing their next move. An aggressive approach is an effective one for this purpose. Don’t let them choose what plays to make. By doing so, the opponent will take advantage of you. Instead, you move first and throw them off their game.

When you’re working with defense, staying low is a good idea. This will help you be quicker on the jump and react to the man in front of you easier. Hold a defensive stance always. When rebounding or blocking, you break the stance, but then you must get back in the stance quickly.

If you are weaker with one hand when it comes to dribbling, only dribble with that hand. In fact, take a ball with you wherever you go and practice while you are out and about. You will find your skills improve the more that you are able to practice with your bad hand.

Many basketball players want to gain weight to play more physically. This is especially true for taller players who play near the basket. To gain weight, lift weights and eat a balanced diet, including a lot of fruits and vegetables. Of course you should know not to use steroids to gain muscle mass.

It’s a slam dunk! Once you start putting this tips into practice, the sky is the limit for your game. Whether you are a casual player or a serious athlete, you can find some piece of advice that will make you a better player. Start using these tips right away.

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