Because You Can Never Know Enough About Basketball…


He shoots, he scores! Few things are more exciting than a fast-paced game of basketball. You can enjoy playing no matter your age or your skill. All you need is a ball and a hoop. To get the most out of your next game of basketball, make use of these tips.

It is vital that you learn to crossover the basketball while dribbling. This term refers to switching the hand you use. It has to be done fast to be effective. Once you’ve learned how to use it, the crossover dribble makes it easy to navigate the court in a more effective way.

Jump naturally when shooting the ball. Do not overjump or else you will throw the ball’s trajectory off course. Learn this technique by performing it in slow motion during your practice sessions. Jump vertically and do not release the ball until you are at the peak of your jump.

Always follow through when shooting. A great way to practice is to hold your follow through until the ball goes in the basket or misses. This will give you some clues on why you missed a shot or where you need to strive for consistency. Watch how other players follow through and follow their lead.

To improve your basketball dribbling skills, set cones out on the court and practice dribbling in and out of the cones. Go from one end of the court to the other at different speeds to enhance your ball control. After you have been up and down the court several times, practice stopping and shooting from various positions.

Free throws are as much mental as they are physical. Making the right physical motions is easier than having the right mind set. Relax your mind and keep your concentration centered on the basket to make more of these freebies.

When dribbling, try to keep the ball low to the ground. This makes it more difficult for opponents to steal the ball away from you while dribbling. Keep the ball low and pass it from hand to hand while weaving in and out through your opponents. This will help you maintain control of the ball.

When you dribble, make sure that you use fingertips instead of palms. This gives you much more control over the ball. Using your palms can cause the ball to go all over the place on the court, whereas using your fingertips keeps it under your control when you have to run.

Shoot at least a hundred free throws every day. Not only does this make you a better free throw shooter, but it helps all your shooting. You can step on a court any day of the week familiar with the sight and sound of you putting the ball in the goal. This gives you serious mental confidence, regardless of how or where you actually shoot.

Your defensive game will be more successful if you know your opponents. Review tapes and keep up with scouting reports. Find out who are the right-handed or left-handed players. Once you start to get to know the other team, you can do a lot better when you’re on defense. The strongest defenders are those who have information.

There may be sneaky or subversive moves that you can make in an attempt to won a game but they are not worth it. Your teammates and fans deserve a player to be proud of, not one whose actions they have to defend. Be a player that your team and the opposing team can both respect.

A good rebound player can be a huge advantage for his team. Rebounding is about attitude more that skill. Think of every shot as a potential miss and be ready to position yourself to get the ball. Be alert for team members who are in a good position to make the shot.

To better your vertical jumping in basketball, try doing some deep knee bend jump exercises. Begin by standing straight. Quickly crouch down as low as possible with your bottom nearly touching the ground, then jump upwards as high as possible. The minute you land, crouch immediately and jump back up again. Try doing this about 15 times, and when you’re able to, try increasing it to 20, 30, and so on. Don’t do these exercises more than four or fives times every week.

Be flexible in your body movements. You’ve probably already noticed that when you try to guard someone who is in a stiff position and stays very still, that it is easier to guard them and take the ball. Those who are flexible and always moving around are much more difficult to catch.

It’s a slam dunk! Once you start putting this tips into practice, the sky is the limit for your game. Whether you are a casual player or a serious athlete, you can find some piece of advice that will make you a better player. Start using these tips right away.

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