Need Quick Tips And Tricks About Basketball? They’re Here!


How much do you know about basketball? Whether you’re just now getting into playing the game or you’re a seasoned veteran, you can always learn some new techniques. Maybe you’d like to learn fancy tricks, or perhaps you want to play better defense. This article is going to guide you with a few helpful tips during your quest.

Practice catching the basketball while you are moving and stopping cold for a shot. Basketball is a fast paced game, and the constant movement can throw your shot off during game time. This is especially true if you’ve practiced your shooting standing still. That is not as common in a game experience. Get the feel for moving, stopping, and shooting.

When you are dribbling the ball, be sure that you are doing so with your head up. If you have your eyes on the ball instead while you are dribbling it, you cannot keep an eye on those defending you. This could lead to them stealing the ball away from you.

When prepping for the basketball season, walk around with the basketball as often as you can. Take the time to throw the ball from one hand to the other, and even flip it around your back. Your goal is to improve your hand/ball coordination so that the ball feels as if it’s part of you.

Stay low when playing defense. Keep your shoulders lower than the offensive player you are guarding will give you a better chance of moving more quickly. A lower stance will help you play the ball as well. Try to remain about an arm’s length away. When you get too far away, the other player can shoot easily.

Hand signals will help you avoid those errant passes. One thing that can frustrate you when playing basketball is to try and pass while a player is trying to run to the basket. Hand signals can help you communicate with your teammate on the court. Without a signal, you should not attempt to pass the ball to a player.

Ask fellow team members what they like about your skills on the court. Can they tell you what you’re really good at? Perhaps you have good dribbling skills or maybe your footwork is enviable. By understanding what your teammates see as your best skills, you can ensure that you keep a strong focus and hone these abilities even more.

Bend your knees as you dribble the ball. This gets you closer to the surface you are dribbling on and causes the distance between ground and ball to be reduced. This gives your opposition less of a chance to steal the ball away from you as you head for the net.

If you want to become a better dribbler, do it blindfolded. If you aren’t using your eyes to watch where the ball is, you can instead use them to see where other players are or where the net is. You shouldn’t have to stare at the ball as you dribble.

When you have to shoot free throws in a basketball game, make sure that you clear your head before you shoot. Depending on your state of mind, free throw shots can either be your hardest or easiest shots. Try clearing your mind and concentrating on the shot. Many players find it useful to imagine the ball going into the hoop. These shots take skill and finesse so emotions like anger can negatively affect your focus and alertness.

Remember that being good at basketball starts with being athletic. That means working on all of your skills, not just those which involve a ball. Run to build stamina and your cardiovascular health, and lift weights to build your strength. The harder you work on your overall condition, the better you will play.

Become a great athlete. There are few great basketball players out there who aren’t also superb athletes in general. This is a very athletic sport, so prepare for it by playing all sorts of athletic games. This can be running, swimming, cycling, you name it. All of these sports will add to your abilities on the court.

When it comes to basketball, most players want to spend as much time on the court as possible. One thing that will increase your playing time is to ask your coach what you can do to help your team succeed. This shows the coach that you value the team’s success over your own personal success. When the season comes to an end, be sure to ask your coach which skills you should work on in the off-season to be a greater asset to the team.

So are you ready to get out there and show people what you’ve got? If this article has motivated you, just remember there is always plenty more to learn about basketball. It’s a widely-popular sport, and is so much fun. As you continue learning, you might find out that you enjoy it even more!

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