Some Great Tips For Becoming A Better Basketball Player


Basketball is a fun sport that a lot of people enjoy playing all over the world. But in order to play it well you need to practice. If you’re in search of different tips to learn so you can improve your basketball playing skills you have come to the right place. Read on for expert basketball tips.

It’s natural to focus on offensive abilities when practicing the sport of basketball, but your practice time needs to focus on defense. Basketball games are often won by great defensive play. Offensive skills are usually the most impressive ones but defense is something every team should work on.

It is important to practice all the different types of basketball shots. Practice a combination of long shots, layups and short shots. This will help you become a great all-around basketball shooter. Additionally, you should practice free throw shots during your practice. By learning the different techniques, you can ensure you play well during the game.

Improve your passing abilities by challenging yourself to perform drills without actually dribbling. Playing the game without the use of dribbling is a challenge, but it can help you and your team learn to make more precise passes. Don’t get frustrated if it’s hard at first because it will get better over time.

Always remember that to be a great basketball player, you’ve got to be a great athlete first. Put as much time into conditioning your body and increasing your endurance as you do shooting and passing. This will improve your play under even the most excruciating circumstances, making you an invaluable team member.

Jump on the ground and dive for those loose balls. Don’t be afraid to hit the ground hard and get a little hustle on. Not only will this help the team, but the coach will surely notice your improved effort. Team moral is always a good thing to keep in high numbers.

If the basketball game is quickly getting out of hand for your team, find a way to slow the pace down. Your opponent wants to keep the chaos for your team going as it’s causing you all to make mistakes. You need to do the opposite. The minute you have the ball, dribble up court slowly. Or take a time out if you’ve got one available.

Moving without the ball is an important skill to master if you want to become a better scorer. Standing still while on offense just makes you that much easier to guard. Instead, you should stay active and constantly be moving around. You’ll not only wear down your opponent, but you’ll also get more open shots.

To get an amazing arm workout, dribble the ball on a patch of dirt. This will take a lot of power as the dirt absorbs most of the energy you put into the ball when it hits. Do this for a few minutes, but don’t over exert yourself or you could hurt your arm.

As with almost all sports, good mental conditioning is as important as physical conditioning. It is a good practice to use deep breathing exercise before a game to get yourself in the proper frame of mind. A clear mind, focused on the game, is less likely to make mental errors during a game.

In order to be good at rebounding the ball off a missed free throw, you must be quick with your feet. You need to seek out a way to quickly slide around your opponent and be able to quickly react to the ball. By doing this, you can increase your chance to get the rebound despite starting in a disadvantageous position.

Try not to pass the ball further than about 18 feet. If you go longer, you will find that it is easier for the ball to be intercepted by the other team. Shorter passes will always be more successful, so try to stand close to whomever you are passing to.

To help improve your basketball playing skills you will need to learn how to jump higher. One way that you can get better at this is by doing calf raises. Improving the strength of your legs, especially your calves will help you get more lift. Not only do you need to jump higher, you also need to be quicker, too.

Try to place the air valve of the ball in the middle of your hand when you are taking a shot. This is the center of the ball and therefore the perfect center for your shot. If you can do this, you will find you have better control of the ball.

As you can see from the above article anyone can improve their basketball playing skills with a few simple tips. All you need to do is practice as much as possible and you too, can master the skills that the pros possess. Hopefully what you learned here has provided you incentive to practice these tips.

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