Tips To Help You Understand The Finer Points Of Basketball


Everyone from presidents to working class people have played the game of basketball. Whether you play it in school, in your spare time or even professionally, it will bring you a joy like few other sports can. To make the game even more enjoyable, check out all of the tips below.

To better your basketball rebound when on the dribble drive, try running to the front of the rim. When you’re in dribble drive penetration, try following your teammate to the rim. You can retrieve the ball if they miss. It’s a great time for rebounding since the defense tends to collapse on the drive, which they can forget to block out. It also lets you get more offensive rebounds and points.

Practice makes perfect. This is especially true in basketball. Learning how to shoot a basket, how to dribble and how to pass a ball is important to playing good basketball. Spending as little as 30 minutes practicing a day can really help develop your game and make you a better player.

Don’t prepare more for a game than you do for a practice. If you don’t tape up for practice, don’t do it for games. You will naturally take games more seriously than practice. However, you don’t need to start panicking over a game by overpreparing. Have a consistent and calm routine.

Ask teammates what they admire about your playing skills? You may have a certain skill that you have perfected. They may say you’re fast or that you share well. See what others view as your own natural skills, then be sure you retain and develop them more.

Between the leg passes are usually helpful when another team’s players are riding you hard. To practice, simply bounce the basketball between your legs while stepping either forward or backwards. Mastering this technique can give you a significant advantage.

Set up an obstacle course with chairs or pylons and then dribble around them. This will help you learn how to get around opponents while keeping control of the ball. As you get better, make sure your back is to the obstacle as you go by to protect the ball from it.

Move without the basketball. Running the baseline has advantages. You can possibly lose your defender in the paint for a second and become open. At the very least you might distract the ball defender’s attention for just a second. Even if you can’t get open, set a screen for who has the ball.

To win the game you need to take good shots. Good shots are when you have an open arc to the goal with a high-percentage of scoring. No other players on your team should have a better shot than the one you are taking. Otherwise, it’s not a good shot.

Learn how to make the offensive or defensive player go where you want them to go as opposed to forcing you to go where they want you to go. This means that you need to pay attention to your surroundings and watch out for traps and screens. You can avoid them if you encourage your opponent to go where you want them instead of falling into a trap.

Try not to pass the ball further than about 18 feet. If you go longer, you will find that it is easier for the ball to be intercepted by the other team. Shorter passes will always be more successful, so try to stand close to whomever you are passing to.

If you have a defender right in front of you, consider using an overhead pass. You can throw the ball so high that the defender can’t reach it, protecting it from their grasp. Aim high on the person intended to receive it so they can catch it near their chin.

If a defender is hot on your heels, a one handed pass is a must. If their hands are up high, fake a high throw and then bounce it under their arm. If their hands are instead low, fake a bounce pass and toss it over their arm to the recipient instead.

Understand that your importance as a player does not mean that you are more important than any other member of the team. Even if you are the person who makes most of the goals, you would not have that chance without the support of your teammates and all of the other team supporters who make your team possible.

A slightly off-center shot often ends up catching the rim of the basket, which causes it to just fall off the side. If you see this happening, you will know exactly where to be when the shot is missed so that you can get the rebound and turn it into a basket.

When you love something, you need to work hard to become better at it. This is true of all sports, even basketball. While the game itself may seem simple, it takes practice and education to master it. This article is a great first step, so use the tips read here and improve your play.

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