Travel With A Lighter Spirit By Using These Tips


The islands of the Caribbean always make for a popular travel destination. With so many islands, and each offering its own uniqueness, it can be hard to decide which one to visit. This article will give you some tips for deciding which Caribbean island is the best bet for your next vacation.

To save money when traveling for pleasure, look into swapping homes. Swapping homes saves you a great deal of money that would otherwise be spent on a hotel room. It is also a great deal more comfortable and spacious than your average hotel room. There are several places online that allow you to make house swapping arrangements.

If you are traveling in a poorer country, consider purchasing a large woven sack, like the type used to transport potatoes or other vegetables. Put your bag into this sack, and it is protected from dust, bugs, and moisture. It also nicely camouflages your possesions against thieves, as they will see a bag of farm goods instead of a tourist’s bag.

Bring an empty water bottle. We all know that bringing a full bottle of water through security is a big no-no. If you don’t want to be stuck paying a premium for bottled beverages after security, bring along your own empty bottle to fill at a water fountain. If the tap water is less than appealing to you, bring a single serve packet of drink mix to add to the bottle.

If you are going to be traveling abroad you may want to consider staying in a hotel which offers you a place to cook your own food. Unlike in America dining out in Europe can be rather pricey, and if you’re money minded, it would behoove you to go grocery shopping and prepare your own meals. This may even help you get a better feel for the culture of the country you travel to.

A lot of hotels offer discounted rates to locals, especially during the off-season. If you’re going somewhere where you have family or friends, you should have them ask about a local discount. If there is one, you can have them book the hotel for you and save yourself some money!

While traveling to a foreign country is an exciting experience, it can also be risky if you aren’t familiar with its laws and customs. For that purpose, the State Department of the United States created a website ( that you can visit to find out a wealth of information on the country to which you are traveling, including facts on crime, health conditions and popular attractions.

Prior to traveling abroad, take some time to familiarize yourselves with the local laws of the country you are visiting. Laws can be very different from country to country. Consulates cannot step over local laws, so if you do break one, even if you were unaware of it, you will be held accountable.

When making a long journey on a plane, you should pack along some non-liquid snacks of your own. Something fresh, such as sweet fruits or crunchy veggies, can really break the monotony of the flight. Not only will it save you money when it comes to pricey airport fare, it can also be a conversation starter as travel neighbors see your goodies.

In order to truly enjoy traveling during a vacation it is very important to bring only what you need. It is hard to travel when there is unnecessary baggage. Another thing that this brings is that you will spend more time enjoying your vacation rather than pulling along that bulky bag.

When packing for the beach during your trip, try packing your gear separately into a beach bag that can easily fit in your luggage. This is a great time saver since it will be packed prior to your beach outing, and it can also save time if you have kids on your trip.

When you are traveling, do not throw out any of the brochures or visitor guides that you accumulate on your journey. When you get home, cut them up into words and phrases. Use the slips of paper in your scrapbook as a way to accent the pictures that you took on your vacation. They will help you remember details about your trip years later.

Postcards make a wonderful souvenir of your travels. If something special happens during your trip, buy a postcard from the place you are visiting, and write down the memory on the back of the card. Use the postcards to help you decorate an album or scrapbook; they are a special way to remember what you experienced.

As stated in the beginning of this article, the Caribbean islands are a very popular travel destination. Bright blue waters and white sandy beaches draw in many tourists all throughout the year. Apply the advice from this article to help you decide which island is the perfect fit for your next travel destination.

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